Lunes, Enero 27, 2014


Surely she's too good to be real? Not at all.

RUBY SPARKS is a very thoughtful movie that teaches people so many lessons about love and life. In this blog, I will try my best to share my thoughts about it and enumerate my realizations after seeing the movie.

Here’s the link of the movie’s plot summary so you can get where I’m coming from.

(Brace yourselves! A lot of spoilers are coming your way!)

Sometimes we tend to become lonely and we feel alone so when someone comes along and adds light and a little of spark to our lonely life, we become desperate on keeping them. We become so scared with the thought of losing them that we, unfortunately, become selfish and want them for ourselves alone that we forget this person also has his/her own life.

Calvin is a frustrated and sad writer because not only he suddenly became blocked and could not write again, he also just went a break-up. The only friends he goes out with are his brother Harry, who, together with their mother, sets him up on different blind dates and his dog Scotty which he thought would help him meet new people but is scared.

So when Ruby comes to his life HE LOOKED AT HER LIKE A BLIND MAN SEEING THE SUN FOR THE FIRST TIME. He was overwhelmed and wanted to spend his time with her, every single day, every single night. They were happy at first. All fun and games. But weeks after, Ruby starts to feel lonely because Calvin 'do not have any friends' which brings a lot of pressure to her.

Ruby then enters an art class, meets new friends and spends time in her apartment. Although this experiment (of sleeping in her apartment) is just once a week, Calvin becomes miserable that he made Ruby stop the art class and everything that makes them not together. LOVE MADE CALVIN SELFISH.

(If you’ve watched the trailer and/or have read the synopsis, you would know how Ruby became Calvin’s girlfriend. Right. Calvin dreams about her, writes about her characteristics and backstory and poof! Ruby appears in his apartment.)

Another issue is CONTROL.
Every man has this picture in mind of his dream girl. Every man dreams of this perfect girl who will someday change his life and his perspective about it. Lucky are those who already had found theirs. Luckier is Calvin who not only found his dream lover but also has control over her, literally though.

Since Calvin ‘manifested a woman by his mind’, everything he writes about her comes true. You know what Calvin did to make Ruby stop leaving for art class and her apartment? Well he just wrote that 'Ruby was miserable without Calvin' and it becomes true.Ruby suddenly calls Calvin telling him she wants to go home because she misses him so much. No big deal.

But this is not the only change he made because every time Ruby acts as a real person and not the skeleton of Calvin’s writing, he makes some changes to her and something wrong comes up that also needs revision, which, as a matter of fact, just destroys everything they had as a couple and as humans. Calvin gets dead tired of everything. He ends his manipulation of the girl he loves and decides to end the book of his love story. He told everything to Ruby and she disappeared the next day.

Calvin then returns to himself, sad and alone. He publishes this book he entitles “THE GIRLFRIEND” but was more than sad than happy. At the end, well this I do not want to spoil. Just see it yourself alright? I've said enough. :)

The movie's intriguing in its fanciful way one has to wonder if a monkey's paw was involved. I really hope everyone sees and learns from this movie that people make mistakes and that no relationship is perfect. People who love each other just have to work things out. Everyone needs to grow and realize that the world does not revolve around just one person. We should always think of others' interest before making a decision rather than just ours.

Love is not a game where one has to be the better player. It is a lifetime commitment.
Love is not sacrificing the other person's happiness for the sake of yours. It's a give and take process.
Love is not controlling the other so he/she would act according to your liking. It's letting them be themselves.
Love is not selfish. It is selfless and kind.
Love is not changing the other person. It is accepting them as they are.


1 komento:

  1. I had watched this movie and at first I thought it was boring. But as I continue I learned that it has a good story to tell. Indeed there is no perfect love and relationship. We cannot design and control it. And I think the beauty of love and relationship is to discover the person you love and learn to accept him or her with all the imperfections.
